
The world is facing an unprecedented medical crisis. Throughout this challenging time, your health and safety remain our top priority. Protect yourself and your loved ones with the help of this important information on COVID-19. Together, we can keep our communities healthy and strong.

Glo-JET International Corp., advises all our clients to Stay Safe and remain at HOME during this very RARE/Extreme pandemic that is truly hurting the world economies.!

Our Cargo Charter services remain uninterrupted. However, for Passenger Flights, Glo-JET International Corp., has put in place measures and guidelines issued by both the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) as we conduct business. We advise our esteemed customers to embrace personal hygiene and wearing of facemask.

The Board of Management passed a resolution of reducing (by a significant percentage) charter fees to all destinations around the world. This decision was arrived at in response to the hard economic times that some or most of our clients face. You will need to request for the discounted offer by sending an email to

In addition to the above, Glo-JET International Corp., together with our partners have so far contributed $ 25 Million US Dollars towards the mitigation of the pandemic in 16 Countries where we have footprint. We believe in social protection, and to achieve this, the company’s rallying call is, “SAFETY FIRST!”

Health Etiquette Recommendations

Social Distancing
  • Keep at least 1.5m, if possible 2m (6ft) away from each other
  • Avoid physical contact (i.e., handshaking, hugging and kissing)
  • Consider if face-to-face meetings can be replaced by a teleconference or online event
Hygienic Etiquette
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap & water or sanitize your hands with alcohol based sanitizer.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (tissue or your flexed elbow)
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose or mouth) with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, sneezing or coughing
  • Stay at home when you are sick, and when recommended by authorities
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects people frequently touch